Article written by Andrew Buckner

You’ve seen him riding a Schwinn around town for the last 60 years, but do you really know Bill Wiggins? Keep reading to hear some personal reflections on one of my favorite people and a Monterey legend.

If you follow along, most of my blogs aren’t personal.

Typically, they focus on concerts, tourism draws, festivals, and businesses.
But today is different.

This entry is about my friend, Bill Wiggins.

Many of you may know this name for his political career and high school sports officiating (he did call one TTU vs. MTSU game for those keeping score at home).

While three terms as Monterey’s mayor and decades of calling games are certainly noteworthy feats, they don’t begin to express the fullness of who he is.

The Bill I know paid me to perform at his diner each Saturday when I was a young, ignorant, struggling musician.

Often he gave me more than customers gave him.

Think about that.

He lost money to support me, night after night.

He validated my work and, by extension, me.

I wouldn’t be a musician as I write this without him.

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Honestly, I probably wouldn’t be penning this entry or living the writer’s life were it not for Bill Wiggins.

He is so much more than campaigns, newspaper clippings, Facebook posts, and town hall soundbites.

He is a brilliant man, who loves those in his inner circle beautifully and advocates for the voiceless when no one’s watching.

Though his mind was built for finances (he used it to better Monterey fiscally and counsel thousands of clients throughout his career), his heart, focus, and zeal have always been for those he holds most dear.

I saw the way he loved his late wife Kay.

He worshipped her, and she him.

For more than 58 years Bill Wiggins, despite successes, accolades, and victories held Kay in an esteem that levitated above everything and everyone else.

He is a private man.

Most don’t know how giving Bill is or how romantic his ideals are.

He is a lover of music, the written word, and story in all its forms.

He has lived as a devoted husband, father, grandfather, public servant, and friend.

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I deeply admire him.

I am honored to be able to call and hear his voice on the other end of the line.

Thankfully, Bill Wiggins’ journey is not over; he has miles to go before he sleeps.

And, while it’s been a joy to write about him, I hope these words prompt some action.

I encourage all who read this to get to know Bill Wiggins.

You’ll find in him a man of laughter, intelligence, wisdom, talent, and goodness.

Thank you for reading.