In this month’s blog, we celebrate legendary Monterey High School baseball coach JohnLooper. Batter up! A quarter of a century.25 years spent dominating a sport in your hometown. The John Looper story. From his days as a player to the 719 games he’s coached, John has...
It’s time for my annual walk through autumn in my hometown, Monterey, TN. Read along tofind out the reasons I love the season in this beautiful city and why I think you should see itfor yourself in 2024! Coffee at The Lovely Brew. Delicious food and desserts at Los...
For those looking to take in a Gilmore Girls-esque autumn day, in the closest thing to Stars Hollow you’ll find this side of Hollywood, Standing Stone Day in Monterey, TN is for you! Saturday, October 12th, 2024 will mark the 45th Standing Stone Day in downtown...
Monterey is a small town, but it’s our sincere belief that the city’s ceiling reachesthe clouds (see their slogan). Read on to learn why the future of Monterey, TN looksincredibly bright. 1-40 changed everything. Before that, the main highway connecting Bristol to...
Read on to learn more about Monterey’s new headman, Alex Garcia! Cuban-American, second-generation U.S. Citizen, business-centric thinker, mayor of Monterey. Alex Garcia. Monterey’s newly-elected leader takes the reins this month, filling a void left after the passing...